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Shock sorting (vegetables)

You achieve the most accurate sorting result by use of shock sorting. The unique shock sorting technique ensures product-friendly and careful sorting for every type of potato.


In the sorting machine, the product tumble forward diagonally with every shake. At the correct sorting holes, the product fall through the sieve. The product are not damaged due to the rubber casings in the sieves. The result is highly accurate and product-friendly size sorting.

Extra stock

Never standing still while sorting. The Bunker sorting machine is on top of the bunker. The bunker buffers the product and the crates can be filled. The crates can be exchanged this way, allowing the sorting process to continue.

Compact and Capacity

For the most compact sorting machine, choose the Crate sorting machine. On the other hand, do you want to achieve more capacity? Then the Trapsorter is a good match. The step-by-step sorting technique sifts the right-sized product, with the rest of the product going to the next sieve via a belt under the sieve deck. Because the product do not travel across all sieves, the sorting is done faster.

Perfect coordination

Simplicity describes this machine. You can effortlessly tune the machine according to your potato variety. The shock depth can be adjusted by use of the handwheel on the side of the machine. Less shock depth ensures higher capacity. The shock direction is easily adjustable with a lever. This way you have optimum coordination for your product.

Unique benefits:

  • Accurate sorting
  • Easily adjustable
  • Product friendly sorting from start till end

Shock sorting

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Does this machine suits your situation?

Please contact:

Teade Geertsma

Call 0031 38 3314385
Or send an email to:

Questions about service, maintenance or parts?

Please contact:

Tessa Klaver

Call 0031 229 502150
or send an email to:

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