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Shake sorting (potatoes)

For sorting by capacity, choose the shake sorter. With a capacity of up to 35 tons, it sorts super-quick! The shaking movement of the rubber sieves ensures that your potatoes move quickly and are properly sorted. Moreover, this compact sorter will easily fit in your barn.


The potatoes end up on the sieves via the feed belt. The potatoes slip through the correct sieves by way of a shaking movement. The time switch ensures that short and long shaking movements alternate. To ensure that the potato travels the correct distance with every movement, the shaking direction and speed are adjustable.

Product friendly

The sieves have a rubber casing. The casings rotate around the steel and move along with the product. This protects your potatoes against damage. And the shake sorter ensures product-friendly processing of your potatoes.

Unique advantages:

  • High sorting capacity
  • Compact built
  • Product-friendly sieves

Shake sorting:

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Does this machine suits your situation?

Please contact:

Bram Jansen

Call 0229 502150
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Questions about service, maintenance or parts?

Please contact:

Marcel Moor

Call 0031 229 502150
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